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Figure 2 | Medical Gas Research

Figure 2

From: Improved brain MRI indices in the acute brain stem infarct sites treated with hydroxyl radical scavengers, Edaravone and hydrogen, as compared to Edaravone alone. A non-controlled study

Figure 2

Serial changes in rDWI (upper) and rADC (lower). upper: Daily averages of rDWI in the E group patients showed a mild initial hump (Day4 to Day8, up to 2.2) but remained less than a natural course (rDWI of 2.5, Huang et al [3]). In the EH group, the initial hump was not seen (p < 0.05 on the Day 5, 8 and 9). No shortening of the pseudonormalization time was seen in E group (the rDWI average remained above 1.2 by Day9). In the EH group, the rDWI averages on Day 8 reached the normal level of 1.2 (shortened pseudonormalization time). Lower: Daily averages of rADCs in the E group patients showed a mild initial dip (Day4 to 7). In the EH group, the initial dip was rather short lived on Day 5 but no data available on Day6 & 7. No pseudonormalization of the rADC was noted within 9 days in the E group. In the EH group, however, the shortening was seen on Day 9. Then, the rADC of EH group increased (late hike). The differences of the rADC in the two groups reached a statistical significance on the Day5, 8 and 9.

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